Browsing by Author "Sysyn, Mykola P."
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Item Common Crossing Structural Health Analysis with Track-Side Monitoring(EDIS, University of Zilina, Slovakia, 2019) Sysyn, Mykola P.; Nabochenko, Olga S.; Kluge, Franziska; Kovalchuk, Vitalii V.; Pentsak, AndriyEN: Track-side inertial measurements on common crossings are the object of the present study. The paper deals with the problem of mea- surement's interpretation for the estimation of the crossing structural health. The problem is manifested by the weak relation of measured acceleration components and impact lateral distribution to the lifecycle of common crossing rolling surface. The popular signal processing and machine learning methods are explored to solve the problem. The Hilbert-Huang Transform (HHT) method is used to extract the time-frequency features of acceleration components. The method is based on Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD) that is advantageous to the conventional spectral analysis methods with higher frequency resolution and managing nonstationary nonlinear signals. Linear regression and Gaussian Process Regression are used to fuse the extracted features in one structural health (SH) indicator and study its relation to the crossing lifetime. The results have shown the significant relation of the derived with GPR indicator to the lifetime.Item The Complex Phenomenological Model for Prediction of Inhomogeneous Deformations of Railway Ballast Layer after Tamping Works(Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, 2018) Sysyn, Mykola P.; Gerber, Ulf; Kovalchuk, Vitalii V.; Nabochenko, Olga S.EN: The given article considers the method of calculating the track geometry deformation with respect to uneven accumulation of residual deformations along the track. The technique proposes two significant changes in existing approaches to calculating the efficiency of the ballast layer. The transition from the approach of allowable stresses design in the ballast layer to the deformative approach of accumulations of track geometry deformations allows us to draw conclusions regarding the intervals of track tamping and the duration of ballast layer life cycle. The transition from the determinative to probabilistic approaches makes it possible to draw conclusions not only from the average unevenness, but also with regard to all possible facts of unevenness. The method is based on the mechanism of sudden and gradual deformations occurrence, which depends on a number of key factors: dynamic stresses on the ballast, non-uniformity of track elasticity, performance of current maintenance work. Based on the experimental studies results, the dependencies of sudden deformations and the intensity of gradual deformations on the level of stress on the ballast layer were established. The experimental results of the influence of the sub-ballast base elasticity on the intensity of accumulation of residual deformations are shown. On the basis of the developed method, the prediction of track geometry deterioration for a given structure of the track, the rolling stock and the permissible level of geometric deviations for track maintenance is presented.Item Development of a Promising System for Diagnosing the Frogs of Railroad Switches Using the Transverse Profile Measurement Method(PC "Technology Center", Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Kharkov, 2018) Kovalchuk, Vitalii V.; Sysyn, Mykola P.; Hnativ, Yuriy M.; Bal, Olena M.; Parneta, Bohdan Z.; Pentsak, Andrii Ya.EN: We have developed a system for diagnosing the frogs of railroad switches, based on the application of modern microcontrollers of the type ESP with high technical characteristics and the simultaneous use of the information technology IoT (Internet of Things). The proposed system has advantages over mechanical systems in terms of the accuracy of data, their operational processing and submission to user in order to analyze technical condition of frogs at railroad switches. The results of measuring the transverse profile of frogs at railroad switches make it possible to take scientifically-substantiated decisions regarding the need for recovery repair of frogs by the method of surfacing and for control over gradual decrease in their carrying capacity, for establishing their actual technical condition and residual resource. We carried out experimental-theoretical research into longitudinal profile of frogs at railroad switches laid on the reinforced concrete bars. It was established as a result that after passing 50–65 million tons of cargo (that corresponds to the medium degree of wear) the trajectory takes the shape of a bump. We observe sharp hollows on the reinforced concrete base in the zone where a wheel rolls from a rail wing onto the core, characterized by significant total inclination. Subsequently, when the passed cargo increases, the number of sinusoidal irregularities grows. At wear close to maximal (80–95 million tons passed), the percentage of unfavorable trajectories (sinusoidal and hollows) grows; at low wear, they make up 49.8 %, at a wear of 5−6 mm and larger – 88.3 %. Sometimes there is a transformation of the sinusoidal irregularities into the wave-shaped ones. We have established characteristic motion trajectories of the center of mass of the wheel over the frog depending on the wear of rail wings and the core of a frog and the passed cargo. A mathematical model was constructed for predicting the wear of frog profile depending on the total weight of passed cargo.Item Estimation of Carrying Capacity of Metallic Corrugated Structures of the Type Multiplate MP 150 During Interaction with Backfill Soil(PC "Technology Center", Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Kharkov, 2018) Kovalchuk, Vitalii V.; Kovalchuk, Yuri; Sysyn, Mykola P.; Stankevych, Volodymyr Z.; Petrenko, Oleksiy V.EN: We estimated the stressed state of a railroad structure with a large cross section spanning more than 6 m, which is made from metallic corrugated sheets of the type Multiplate MP 150. The stressed-strained state of the corrugated structure was estimated depending on the residual deformation of vertical diameter of the pipe, the modulus of elasticity of backfill soil, and the degree of compaction. The study conducted has demonstrated that maximum stresses occur on the horizontal sides of a metallic pipe, and maximum deformations ‒ in the pipe vault. It was established that an increase in the degree of compaction of backfill soil leads to a decrease in the stresses in a metallic pipe by almost half. The stresses grow much faster with an increase in irregularity on the railroad track. Numerical calculations have shown that the equivalent stresses exceed the permissible magnitude of 235 MPa when the degree of compaction of backfill soil is below 90 % and an operational irregularity on the track develops beyond the permissible magnitude. Operational observations have shown that the pipe is most vulnerable, in terms of resistance against the formation of a plastic hinge, in the initial period of operation when the backfill soil has not yet reached the standard compaction. At the initial stage of operation of a metallic corrugated pipe it is necessary to improve the level of technological control in order to timely detect railroad track's irregularities that exceed the standards, and to eliminate them. Under normal operational conditions, a metallic corrugated structure has a rather large reserve of carrying capacity, which amounts to 80 %. However, these structures, despite their high initial strength margin, are very sensitive to an increase in external dynamic loads due to the occurrence of irregularity on the railroad track.Item Evaluation of RailWay Ballast Layer Consolidation After Maintenance Works(Czech Technical University, Prague, 2019) Sysyn, Mykola P.; Nabochenko, Olga S.; Kovalchuk, Vitalii V.; Gerber, UlfEN: Abstract. The results of the study of the ballast layer consolidation after the work of ballast-tamping machines of different types are given in the article. The existing methods of determining the degree of consolidation of the ballast layer are analysed. The seismic method was improved by means of a complex dynamic and kinematic interpretation of the impulse response. For the dynamic interpretation with the use of statistical analysis, the features are selected so that they correspond to the degree of consolidation of the ballast layer. On the basis of researches, a device and software were developed that allow an automated evaluation of the ballast layer consolidation based on the kinematic and dynamic analysis of the measured impulse response. The measurements of the degree of the ballast layer consolidation after an operation of ballast-consolidation machines in different sequences allowed establishing the efficiency of the consolidation and the feasibility of the machines’ application.Item Experimental and Theoretical Evaluation of Side Tamping Method for Ballasted Railway Track Maintenance(Silesian University of Technology, 2020) Przybylowicz, Michal; Sysyn, Mykola P.; Kovalchuk, Vitalii V.; Nabochenko, Olga S.EN: Ballast layer is the most weak element of railway track that causes track geometry deterioration. At the same time, it is subjected to intensive particle breakage during the corrective tamping. This causes high maintenance costs of ballasted track. The present paper is devoted to the study of tamping methods. The present machine tamping methods are considered and compared. The possible influence of the tamping technology on the ballast-related maintenance costs is analyzed. The side tamping technology is studied in detail with theoretical and experimental methods. The process of material transport during the side tamping is studied using a scale model of ballast layer and photogrammetric measurements. A theoretical finite element model (FEM) is validated to the experimental results. The study shows that the side tamping is a promising method for the development of a universal, superstructure independent tamping technology.Item Experimental Investigation of The Dynamic Behavior of Railway Track with Sleeper Voids(Springer-Verlag, 2020) Sysyn, Mykola P.; Nabochenko, Olga S.; Kovalchuk, Vitalii V.EN: The deterioration of the sleeper support on the bal-lasted track begins with the accumulation of sleeper voids. Theincreased dynamic loading in the voided zone and the ballastcontact conditions cause the accelerated growth of the settle-ments in the voided zones, which results in the appearance oflocal instabilities like ballast breakdown, white spots, subgradedefects, etc. The recent detection and quantification of thesleeper voids with track-side and onboard monitoring can helpto avoid or delay the development of local instabilities. Thepresent paper is devoted to the study of the dynamic behavior ofrailway track with sleeper voids in the ballast breakdown zone.The result of the experimental track-side measurements of railacceleration and deflection is presented. The analysis shows theexistence of the dynamic impact during wheel entry in thevoided zone. However, the measured dynamic impact is sub-jected to the bias of the track-side measurement method. Boththe mechanism of the impact and the measurement aspects areexplained by using the one-beam model on viscoelastic foun-dation. The void features in the dynamic behavior are analyzedfor the purpose of track-side and onboard monitoring. A prac-tical method of the void parameter quantification is proposed.Item Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Train Velocity and Travel Direction on the Dynamic Behavior of Stiff Common Crossings(University of Niš, Serbia, 2019) Kovalchuk, Vitalii V.; Sysyn, Mykola P.; Gerber, Ulf; Nabochenko, Olga S.; Zarour, Jandab; Dehne, StefanEN: Abstract. Common crossing rails are subjected to a rapid deterioration of the rolling surface due to a dynamic loading of trains. The present study is devoted to an experimental study of the displacement and rail strain measurements in the common crossing. The experimental measurements were carried out for two stiff common crossings under the dynamic loading of high-speed train for the velocity range of 54-254 km/h. The results showed 2.5 times increase of the maximal displacements within the velocity range. The absence of the difference in the displacements between the trailing and the facing travel direction is explained with the relative displacement measurements between the rail and the sleeper and the different dynamic impact loading for the wing rail. The proposed model-based analysis of the absolute measurement of rail strain enables us to estimate the dynamic factor under the impact loading. The wing rail for trailing direction is almost twice as highly loaded as the frog rail for the facing direction. The maximal dynamic factor for the trailing direction shows almost no change for the velocities of more than 200 km/h.Item Experimental Study of Railway Ballast Consolidation Inhomogeneity under Vibration Loading(Akadémiai Kiadó, Hungary, 2020) Sysyn, Mykola P.; Kovalchuk, Vitalii V.; Gerber, Ulf; Nabochenko, Olga S.; Pentsak, Andriy Ya.EN: Railway ballast tamping is one of the cost-expensive renewal and maintenance works of railway superstructure. The quality of ballast consolidation influences its resistance to residual deformations and long-term deterioration of track geometry. The process of ballast compaction along the sleeper under the vibration loading is complex and depends on many factors. The ballast flow processes under the vibration loading can produce both consolidation and un-consolidation of ballast material. The present study is devoted to the experimental investigation of ballast consolidation inhomogeneity. The method of ballast local consolidation measurement is proposed. The method is based on the velocity of impact wave propagation that is measured with device. The application of modern microcontroller and sensor techniques provided simple and reliable multi-point velocity measurements in a ballast layer. That enables well enough spatial resolution of ballast consolidation inhomogeneity. The measurement analysis has shown more than 4 times higher consolidation under the sleeper center than for unconsolidated ballast.Item Experimental Study of Railway Trackred Pressure Distribution under Dynamic Loading(Riga Technical University, Latvia, 2019) Sysyn, Mykola P.; Kovalchuk, Vitalii V.; Nabochenko, Olga S.; Kovalchuk, Yuri; Voznyak, Oleg M.EN: Abstract. Reliable and durable operation of the railway track under the dynamic load of the rolling stock depends considerably on the ability of the ballast layer to get the load from the sleepers and distribute it to the subgrade. In this paper, the experimental study of the distribution properties of the ballast layer under the impact of dynamic loading depending on the density of the ballast layer is carried out. The ballast behaviour during load cycles is estimated by pressure measurements at the ballast prism base along the axis of a sleeper with simultaneous video observation of the ballast particles movement through transparent sidewalls of the box with crushed stone. Measurements of pressure distribution are carried out with the developed microcontroller system of measurements and developed load cells. The system allows performing multi-point measurements of stress in combination with measurements of acceleration and photogrammetry. The results of measurements showed a significant effect of the ballast layer consolidation on the distribution of stresses under the sleeper. The performed research opens up opportunities for practical improvement of the existing types of track structures and the technology of the ballast layer tamping in terms to provide the optimal conditions for the ballast layer operation.Item Die Instandhaltung der Bettung(Železniční Dopravní Cesta 2011.VOŠ a SPŠ stavební, 2011) Sysyn, Mykola P.; Rybkin, Viktor V.; Nabochenko, Olga S.; Gerber, UlfDE: Bei der Auslegung der Gleiskonstruktion oder der Festlegung der Betriebsbelastung wird bei der ukrainischen Eisenbahn die Leistungsfähigkeit der Schotterschicht durch einen Vergleich der berechneten und zulässigen Spannungen im Schotter bestimmt. Die zulässigen Spannungen werden nach der jährlichen Verkehrsbelastung und den Fahrzeugtypen unterschieden und erreichen Werte im Bereich von 0,15 bis 0,5 MPa (ЦП117) [1]. Derzeit wird jedoch immer offensichtlicher, dass die Übertragung des Kriteriums der zulässigen Spannungen auf den Schotter analog zu den anderen Bestandteilen des Oberbaus zu unakzeptablen Ergebnissen fuhrt. Der Hauptgrund hierfür ist die unscharfe Grenze zwischen einem arbeitsfähigen und nicht arbeitsfähigen Schotterzustand, welcher im Verlaufe der Lebensdauer einer ständigen Veränderung unterzogen ist. Ein weiterer Grund ist die fehlende Berücksichtigung der Instandhaltung auf die Lebensdauer der Schotterschicht. Darüber hinaus gibt es eine Reihe weiterer Faktoren, ohne deren Kenntnis die Beurteilung der Leistungsfähigkeit des Schotters schwierig ist. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung besteht in der Optimierung der zulässigen vertikalen Gleislagefehler zur Minimierung der Stopfintervalle und damit der Minimierung der Schotterkosten überhaupt. Dabei wird Anfangsqualität des Fahrweges berücksichtigt. Diese wiederum ist vom Ungleichförmigkeitsgrad des Unterbaus und der Verdichtungsqualität der Bettungsschicht abhängig.Item Investigation of Interlocking Effect of Crushed Stone Ballast During Dynamic Loading(Regional Association for Security and crisis management, European centre for operational research, 2021) Sysyn, Mykola P.; Nabochenko, Olga S.; Kovalchuk, Vitalii V.; Przybylowicz, Michal; Fischer, SzabolcsENG: The present paper deals with the experimental investigation of interlocking effect of crushed stone ballast material, assessing it as the relationship with the residual and dynamic stresses under the ballast layer during laboratory dynamic tests with the consideration of different boundary conditions. The laboratory experiments were executed with a scaled model of ballast under the sleeper. The measured pressure at the bottom surface of the ballast has two parts: dynamic and residual. The dynamic part depends on the external loading; the residual part remains after unloading. The measured residual stress was observed up to 3 times higher than the stress due to cyclic external loading. The relationship of the residual stress and interlocking effect to ballast particles angularity is analyzed. A simple interpretation of the distribution of residual stress is proposed, that depends on the measured cyclic stress and the elasticity of bounding walls. The study of interlocking effect of ballast could be potentially useful for many practical problems of railway track design as well as for the track maintenance issues.Item Modelling and Vehicle Based Measurements of Ballast Settlements Under the Common Crossing(Universita degli Studi di Trieste, Italy, 2019) Sysyn, Mykola P.; Gerber, Ulf; Grue, Dimitri; Nabochenko, Olga S.; Kovalchuk, Vitalii V.EN: Abstract. Railway turnout is geometrically and physically inhomogeneous object of railway superstructure. The common crossing zone is the high degradation processes are taking place in the common wingrail are wearing with inhomogen is uniformly deformed that lead to appearing the void wave along the crossing axis. The two deterioration processes are interconnected and both influence the dynamic loading. The paper deals with research of both influences based on the mathematical vehicle based measurements. The ballast settleme compared with the settlements measured with axle the base for the following inertial diagnostic vehicle and track based investigations as well as pl maintenance works at common crossing.Item Multifractal Analysis of the Common Crossing Track-Side Measurements(Sciendo, Slovakia, 2019) Sysyn, Mykola P.; Izvolt, Libor; Nabochenko, Olga S.; Kovalchuk, Vitalii V.; Sestakova, Janka; Pentsak, AndriyEN: The deterioration common crossing elements increase the need for the maintenance of crossings and significantly reduce the reliability, availability and safety of railway traffic. The present paper introduces the results of experimental investigation of common crossing monitoring while its deterioration during the lifecycle of crossing. The conventional methods of common crossing condition estimation with time-based features like maximal accelerations, etc. are low appropriate as statistically significant condition indicators. The proposed multifractal analysis enables to extract the significant features from acceleration measurements. The extracted features are fused together with information about the train velocities and longitudinal position of wheels impact with the Lasso regularisation and multivariate linear regression. A ranking of feature importance is done and the redundant features are identified. The developed condition indicator has good correlation to the crossing lifetime and is simple for interpretation.Item Performance Study of the Inertial Monitoring Method for Railway Turnouts(Taylor & Francis Group, 2019) Sysyn, Mykola P.; Kovalchuk, Vitalii V.; Jiang, D.EN: The inertial measurement method of the ESAH-M (Electronic Analysis System of Crossing – Portable) system for the railway turnouts is a promising technique in railway infrastructure. However, the measurement accuracy and sensitivity are affected by many influencing factors that could lead to the great uncertainty of the measurement. Error analysis of the one-sensor inertial measurement system and the progressive optimization of the data processing are carried out to improve the measurement accuracy.The spatial propagations of the vibration waves are studied to find out the possible error sources. The inaccuracy of the measurement and the data processing depend largely on the relationship between the impact point on the frog nose and the sensor position. As the result, the coefficient of variation of the measured accelerations could be signi ficantly reduced under the consideration of all the possible influencing factors to improve the performance of the inertial measurements systems.Item Prediction of Rail Contact Fatigue on Crossings Using Image Processing and Machine Learning Methods(Springer Verlag, Germany, 2019) Sysyn, Mykola P.; Gerber, Ulf; Nabochenko, Olga S.; Gruen, Dmitri; Kluge, FranziskaEN: Abstract In this paper, an application of computer vision and machine learning algorithms for common crossing frog diagnostics is presented. The rolling surface fatigue of frogs along the crossing lifecycle is analysed. The research is based on information from high-resolution optical images of the frog rolling surface and images from magnetic particle inspection. Image processing methods are used to preprocess the images and to detect the feature set that corresponds to objects similar to surface cracks. Machine learning methods are used for the analysis of crack images from the beginning to the end of the crossing lifecycle. Statistically significant crack features and their combinations that depict the surface fatigue state are found. The research result consists of the early prediction of rail contact fatigue.Item Research of Derailed Wheelset Impact Marks on the Concrete Sleepers(SIGMA-NOT Sp. o.o., Warszawa, Poland, 2016) Luchko, Josef; Bolzhelarskyi, Yaroslav V.; Kovalchuk, Vitalii V.; Sysyn, Mykola P.EN: The process of destruction of ferroconcrete sleepers under the railway wheel impact loading is being studied. The article proposes the impact test method of sleepers using a pendulum impact machine. It was developed a device to measure the parameters of impact marks. Using the proposed device it was analyzed the form of the impact marks left by the railway wheel. It was performed a statistical processing of tests results and received a parameter, which was closely connected to the energy magnitude absorbed by a sleeper upon impact. The research results can be used to assess the value of additional resistance to the train movement, which occurs in case of the wheelset derailement and its further movement along the track panel.Item Restoration of the Bearing Capacity of Damaged Transport Constructions Made of Corrugated Metal Structures(RTU Press, Latvia, 2021) Kovalchuk, Vitalii V.; Sysyn, Mykola P.; Hnativ, Yuriy M.; Onyshchenko, Artur; Koval, Maksym; Tiutkin, Oleksii L.; Parneta, MarianaENG: The paper deals with damages of transport constructions made of corrugated metal structures in the body of a railway track or a road during their operation. A constructive variant to restore the bearing capacity of structures was developed, which consists of installing an annular stiffening rib into the concave part of the corrugated metal profile. The main advantage of this method compared to the double corrugating method is the possibility of performing the reinforcement works during structure operation without interrupting the movement of transport vesicles. The study has proved that the reinforcement method significantly increases the carrying capacity of corrugated metal structures. A numerical finite element model was developed to determine the stress-strain state of structures made of corrugated metal structures reinforced with round stiffening ribs. The soil pressure on the corrugated shell in the model is taken into account with the application of radial and axial forces on the outer surface of the shell. It was determined that the most appropriate location of the ribs is in the centre of the building, where the reinforcement area corresponds to the width of the road or railway line. The advantage of this approach is the ability to more efficiently distribute the reinforcement material by selecting the ribs in the most loaded sections of corrugated metal structures.Item Stability of the Railway Subgrade under Condition of Its Elements Damage and Severe Environment(Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, 2019) Kovalchuk, Vitalii V.; Sysyn, Mykola P.; Nabochenko, Olga S.; Pentsak, Andrii Ya.; Voznyak, Oleg M.; Kinter, Stepan O.EN: Abstract. Investigation of damages of the subgrade slope in combination with its overwetting and rolling stock loading, which significantly affects safety traffic of the railway transport, has been carried out. The complex method of slope stability estimation of the subgrade is developed, which includes calculation of loads and vibration action of rolling stock on the main site of the subgrade, as well as the dynamic model of vibrations propagation in the body of the subgrade embankment and the model of plastic deformations accumulation. Dynamic and nonlinear plastic models are based on a finite-element model of the cross section of the subgrade. The plastic model takes into account the characteristics of soil strength of the subgrade, depending on the area of the vibration load impact. The developed method allows to carry out the estimation of external and internal factors impact on occurrence of subgrade destruction, which is of practical value for safety state estimation of the railway transport.Item Stiffness and Strength of Structural Layers from Cohesionless Material(Versita, Great Britain, 2019) Gerber, Ulf; Sysyn, Mykola P.; Zarour, Jandab; Nabochenko, Olga S.EN: The deformation modulus and permissible stress are two independent parameters that depict the carrying capacity of foundations, including earthworks and ballast layer. Nevertheless, while designing the track superstructure or controlling its state, they are considered separate to each other, even though they are terms of the same measure. The scientific problem is due to the practical necessity of unified building rules and standards. The carrying capacity of earthworks and foundations is regulated with standards based both on deformation and on stress criteria, which are not related to each other. This plays particularly important role for railway ballast layer, as an intermediate between the solids and soil. The objective of the present research is to estimate the relationship between deformation modulus and the strength of ballast layer. An overview of modern approaches according to the relation between the stiffness, deformation modulus, elasticity and strength of soils and crushed stone is done. The strength of ballast layer is considered depending on the experimental test: the direct shear test, compressive strength in the uniaxial or biaxial stress state. Load transfer model in crushed stone is proposed. The load transfer angle and cone of loading distribution are determined based on the load transfer and compressive strength models. The relation between deformation modulus and strength is derived from two simple laboratory experiments with cohesionless ballast material. The experiment tests have shown that the ballast stiffness as well as its strength are influenced with the support stress. The measurement of elastic and residual settlements for the different support stress values enables to determine the relation. It can be potentially used for the development of methods for the ballast compaction control, unification of construction norms. The research result should be considered as an approach for unification of two different ways to reflect the carrying capacity of ballast layer.