Hilorme, TetianaNakashydze, LiliyaLiashenko, Iryna2022-06-262022-06-262022Hilorme T., Nakashidze L., Liashenko I. Enhancement of Operational Reliability of Renewable Energy Conversion Equipment Within the Framework of Smart Grid Concept. The Influence of the New Generation of Communication on the Formation of the Future Economy : monograph. Praha : Oktan Print, 2022. Chap. 9. Р. 107–118.978-80-88415-81-7http://eadnurt.diit.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/15406http://surl.li/cmmanT. Hilorme: ORCID ID 0000-0002-9598-6532; L. Nakashidze: ORCID ID 0000-0003-3990-6718; I. Liashenko: ORCID ID 0000-0002-7816-2339ENG: Smart Grid technology is characterized by several innovative attributes that meet the innovative needs of the energy market. The performed content analysis allows to form a sequence of stages of development and design of the concept “Smart Grid”. Building a model of energy management system based on the use of Blockchain technology contributes to the decentralization of production and supply of energy based on renewable and traditional sources. Prospects for the use of Blockchain technology in the energy sector have significant potential: this technology is gradually expanding in related industries – a global energy network is being formed.enenergy managementSmart Grid technologyinnovationrenewable resourcesКФУEnhancement of Operational Reliability of Renewable Energy Conversion Equipment Within the Framework of Smart Grid ConceptBook chapter