Balakin, Valeriy F.Savkyn, Svyatoslav V.Kadylnykova, Tetyana M.Kadylnykova, Anastasia V.2022-07-222022-07-222021Balakin V. F., Savkyn S. V., Kadylnykova T. M., Kadylnykova A. V. Experimental Study of the Process of Welding of Pipe Bills under Vibration Impact. SWorldJournal. 2021. No. 7-01. P. 55–63. DOI: 10.30888/2663-5712.2021-07-01-017.2410-6615 (Online) Balakin: ORCID 0000-0003-0876-7516; S. Savkyn: ORCID 0000-0003-0254-6544; T. Kadylnykova: ORCID 0000-0003-0817-9466; A. Kadylnykova: ORCID 0000-0003-2516-9825ENG: The article proposes an effective way to reduce the residual stresses arising in the welded seams of pipes, based on the use of vibration in the welding process. The experimental study was divided into the following stages: welding of longitudinal preformed pipe blanks using vibration action; fixing the value of residual stresses in the weld and the heat-affected zone of the samples obtained during the experiment; the processing of the data obtained during the experiment. Measurements were carried out in the cross-section of the samples, which made it possible to obtain data on the residual stresses contained in the weld, near-seam zone, and the base metal of the pipe. The tendency of changes in residual stresses at various frequencies of vibration, as well as in its absence, has been investigated, which made it possible to estimate, in percentage terms, the efficiency of removing residual stresses depending on the frequency of vibration.envibration processingwelded seamnear-weld zoneresidual stressespipe billetvibration frequencyКТТАМПExperimental Study of the Process of Welding of Pipe Bills under Vibration ImpactЕкспериментальне дослідження процесу зварювання трубних заготовок при вібраційному впливіArticle