Шуліченко, Тетяна Сергіївна2020-01-022020-01-022019Шуліченко, Т. Мовна особистість персонажа в романі В. Шкляра «Чорний Ворон» // Наукові записки. Серія: Філологічні науки / Центральноукр. держ. пед. ун-ту ім. В. Винниченка. – Кропивницький, 2019. – Вип. 175. – С. 641–645.http://eadnurt.diit.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/11687UK: У статті було проаналізовано мовну особистість персонажа в романі В. Шкляра «Чорний Ворон»; узагальнено теоретичні засади дослідження мовної особистості; визначено зв’язок мовної особистості та світосприйняття спільноти, де вона формувалася.EN: This scientific article is devoted to the analysis of the linguistic personality in the novel “Black Raven” by V. Shklyar. The aim of this paper is to classify and analyze the main features of the linguistic personality of the character in this novel and to identify the components that transform a speaker into linguistic personality. Achieving the aim of this scientific article involves solving the following tasks: 1) to analyze the historical formation of the concept “linguistic personality” and to get acquainted with the scientific works ofn linguists who studied this concept 2) to determine the relationship between the linguistic personality and culture, philosophy, world perception of the community, where it is formed 3) to highlight the main features of the linguistic personality of the character in the novel “Black Raven” by V. Shklyar. Today it is undeniably that the language is directly related to the reflection of personality traits, in particular the speaker. The greatest attention attracts the linguistic personality of a particular individual or collective linguistic personality. Many linguists try to explain how the linguistic personality is formed, what factors affect it. Today the linguistic personality of Ukrainian writers is of interest to linguists, but the linguistic personality of the characters is beyond their attention. That`s why this scientific article is relevant. In our opinion, V. Shklyar is one of the most discussed and most controversial writers in Ukraine and it was the main reason why we chose his novel to analyze. There is no doubt that the importance of analyzing the linguistic personality of the characters in popular books is difficult to overestimate because if one or another book gained true popularity among a great number of people, then it is interesting to the reader because he identify himself with the main character of this book, his perception of the world, the language, the linguistic behavior.uk-UAмовна особистістькультура спілкуванняантропоцентризмперсонажфольклоризмиlinguistic personalitylinguisticsanthropocentrismculture of communicationfolklorismsКІММовна особистість персонажа в романі В. Шкляра «Чорний ворон »The Linguistic Personality of the Characters in the Novel “Black Raven” By V. ShklyarArticle