Sytnyk, RomanHnatushenko, Viktoriia V.Hnatushenko, Volodymyr V.2022-07-112022-07-112022Sytnyk R., Hnatushenko Vik., Hnatushenko V. Decentralized Information System for Supply Chain Management Using Blockchain. IntelITSIS 2022 : Proc. of the 3rd Intern. Workshop on Intelligent Information Technologies & Systems of Information Security, March 23–25, 2022. Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine. Vol-3156. P. 587–598. URL: (дата звернення: 11.07.2022).1613-0073 Sytnyk: ORCID 0000-0001-7820-9128; Vik. Hnatushenko: ORCID 0000-0001-5304-4144; V. Hnatushenko: ORCID 0000-0003-3140-3788ENG: Development of international and domestic trade, globalization, creation of longer and more complex supply chains, increase in sales of goods and similar trends lead to an increase in requirements and load on information systems that manage and monitor the shipments of goods, resources and products. The aim of this paper is to make improvements to the existing approaches of building and designing logistics information systems. The paper proposes usage of blockchain technology in order to simplify and make more transparent the processes of monitoring and managing the movement of products between different equal participants in logistics supply chain information systems. A prototype of the supply chain information system based on the use of blockchain technology and smart-contracts using a decentralized Ethereum virtual machine was developed and studied in comparison with traditional approaches.ensupply chainblockchaindecentralized systemlogisticssmart-contractEthereuminformation systemКІТСDecentralized Information System for Supply Chain Management Using BlockchainArticle