Shvachych, Gennady GrygorovychMoroz, B.Hulina, I.2022-09-022022-09-022022Shvachych G., Moroz B., Hulina, I. Object-Oriented Model of Constructing of the Distributed Databases. Управління проєктами. Перспективи розвитку проєктного та нейроменеджменту, інформаційних технологій управління, технологій створення та використання об’єктів права інтелектуальної власності : зб. наук. праць за матеріалами ІV Міжнар. наук.-практ. інтернет-конф. (24–25 березня, 2022 р.). Дніпро : Юрсервіс, 2022. C. 123–128. URL: (дата звернення: 02.09.2022). Shvachych: ORCID 0000-0002-9439-5511ENG: The proposed object-oriented system model provides a solution to a complex of planning and reporting problems in fuzzy sets based on symmetric pairs of cryptographic keys. In the proposed system, the object identifiers (cryptographic keys) describing structure of the high educational establishments and the learning process are automatically generated on the basis of complete (standardized) names of structural divisions, specialties, disciplines, etc. Unlike classic relational databases, the object-oriented model allows solving effectively problems of such automatic transactions, such as inheritance of the past period plan parameters in the new period plan, the inheritance of the previously described structures. In addition, it allows removal and adding to the work plan of new periods, as well as new structures designed to provide interactive automatic postings of students during the entire period of their studying, etc.enhigher educational establishmentsSQLobject-oriented system modeldistributed databasesКПМ та ОТObject-Oriented Model of Constructing of the Distributed DatabasesThesis