Кривчик, Геннадій Георгійович2018-07-062018-07-062018Кривчик, Г. Методологічні принципи як норми етичного і професійного кодексу історика / Г. Кривчик // Проблеми політичної історії України. – 2018. – № 13. – С. 270–280. – doi: 10.15421/231822.http://eadnurt.diit.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/10591Г. Кривчик: ORCID 0000-0001-7504-4575UK: Показано взаємозв’язок основних етичних норм із загальнонауковими й спеціальними історичними методологічними принципами, уточнено визначення й наведено приклади застосування останніх, вміщено критику щодо порушення етики й наукової методології.RU: Показана взаимосвязь основных этических норм с общенаучными и специальными историческими методологическими принципами, уточнены определения и приведены примеры применения последних, содержится критика нарушения этики и научной методологии.EN: If historical methods are the tools of the researcher, then the principles of the historical research are a kind of the ethical and professional code of a historian. It consists of a number of professional principles which are based on: a) fundamental human ethical norms; b) scientific ethics; c) the special features of a particular science. In its turn, the general scientific principles are applied in various scientific fields, especially in the historical sciences. Among them are 1) the principle of consistency, which involves the study and consideration of all facts and data, the prevention of pulling out only those facts that meet the author’s concept. For a historian this means the systematization, evaluation and use of the entire complex of historical sources. That means that a historian must not operate separate, chosen, and profitable facts, but the complex of different and sometimes contradictory facts, because even the most obvious facts, taken out of the context of events, can give the incorrect picture of the past. 2) The principle of objectivity, which is used mainly in the humanities, involves the non-biased attitude to facts and removal from the political conjuncture, and at the same time considering the subjective component of any historical works and written sources. It is necessary to take into account the objective reality: no matter how honest and principled a historian is, in any case, political, national, ideological, religious, party and other preferences and features will be reflected in his works. As far as the specificity of the historical science is that its object is our past, then the purely historical principle is only the principle of historicism, which has two components. Firstly, analysis of facts, phenomena, behavior of historical characters, taking into account a particular historical epoch, its laws, ethical norms, and traditions. Secondly, the recreation of the spirit of a particular epoch and penetration into the atmosphere in which phenomena, events and processes took place. Therefore, in a certain sense historical principles act as different facets of the ideal to which a historian should strive.uk-UAдоброчесністьістинавсебічністьсистемністьконкретністьоб′єктивністьдіалектикаісторизмджерелахудожністьдобродетельностьистинасистемностьконкретностьобъективностьдиалектикаисторизмисточникихудожественностьscientific dignitytruthconsistencysystematizationobjectivismhistoricismdialecticsourcesartistryКУГПІСМетодологічні принципи як норми етичного і професійного кодексу історикаМетодологические принципы как нормы этического и профессионального кодекса историкаMethodological Principles as Norms of the Ethical and Professional Code of a HistorianArticle