Nakashydze, Liliya V.Nakashydze, Irina S.Brynzin, Yevhen2018-07-052018-07-052018Nakashydze L. Improvement of reliability of converters of renewable energy considering the characteristics of problem areas: [preprint] / L. Nakashydze, I. Nakashydze, Ye.Brynzin // Sustainable Housing and Human Settlement : Monograph / [S. Nikolaienko, P. Kulikov, O. Pshinko, M. Savytskyi, A. Radkevych and others ; Under the General Ed. M. Savytskyi]. – Dnipro ; Bratislava, 2018. – Ch. 3. – P. 130–137. Nakashydze:; L. Nakashydze: The use of the proposed methodology allows consideration of the features of operation of certain problem areas of constructive interfaces, including those that are technologically equipped with the largest number of thermal conductive inclusions per unit area, i.e. to determine the worst heat-shielding characteristics by which heat losses of building premises should be determined.enmethodologyoperationconstructive interfaceslossesметодологіяопераціяконструктивні інтерфейсивтратиметодологияоперацияконструктивные интерфейсыпотеримонографіяКУImprovement of Reliability of Converters of Renewable Energy Considering the Characteristics of Problem AreasBook chapter