Deineha, OleksandrChymosh, KaterynaKobylynska, TetianaNazarov, Oleksii A.Liapa, MykolaSapotnitska, Nataliia2022-02-142022-02-142022Deineha O., Chymosh K., Kobylynska T., Nazarov O., Liapa M., Sapotnitska N. Adaptive Management of Transport Logistics in Agricultural Enterprises. Journal of Agriculture and Crops. 2022. Vol. 8, Iss. 1. P. 20–26. DOI: Nazarov: ORCID 0000-0001-8837-2041ENG: Agriculture is a complex logistics system with some features and limitations. The logistics system usually operates in conditions of pronounced uncertainty, characteristic random processes, so the aim of the article is to study and develop recommendations for improving the adaptability of transport logistics management in agricultural enterprises. In the article, the authors considered the specifics of logistics processes occurring in agriculture. The importance of cooperation in the development of logistics of the agro-industrial complex formed based on intersectoral cooperation of public transport enterprises, institutions, service and infrastructure organizations, which have separate transport units, united by technological and economic ties, and use a variety of resources of the region for the formation and implementation of transport services. The financial content of cluster development as a tool of competitiveness and innovative activity of agricultural enterprises is reflected, which allows realizing the available potential to increase sales.enadaptive managementagricultural enterpriseagro-industrial complexlogisticsКТВAdaptive Management of Transport Logistics in Agricultural EnterprisesArticle