Serdiuk, Tetiana M.Feliziani, MauroSerdiuk, Kseniia2019-02-042019-02-042018Serdiuk, T. About Electromagnetic Compatibility of Track Circuits with the Traction Supply System of Railway / T. Serdiuk, M. Feliziani, K. Serdiuk // International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 27–30 Aug. 2018. – Amsterdam, 2018. – P. 242–247. – doi: 10.1109/EMCEurope.2018.8485034. The full text is absent.Т. Serdiuk: ORCID 0000-0002-2609-4071ENG: Track circuits are of fundamental importance for the safety in railway systems. Thus, they must be immune from electromagnetic interference (EMI). To this aim they must be accurately characterized. The paper deals with the determination of spectrum composition of traction current with the electric traction. A method of measuring the parameters of track circuits (time and amplitude parameters of code current, flowing in rail lines, an input impedance of a track circuit, characteristic impedance and propagation constant) is considered Automated method of measurement of parameters of track circuits and harmonics of return traction current was elaborated by the car-laboratory. The harmonics coinciding with the code frequency are inadmissible for the track circuits.enEMI measurementharmonicsimmunitytrack circuitelectromotive forcerailway systemКАТAbout Electromagnetic Compatibility of Track Circuits with the Traction Supply System of RailwayArticle