Myamlin, Sergey V.Bondarenko, Iryna O.2018-07-192018-07-192018Myamlin, S. V. Interaction between rolling stock and railway track with of the elastic properties of the base / S. V. Myamlin, I. O. Bondarenko // Trans & Motauto World. – 2018. – Iss. 3. – P. 113–115. Myamlin: ORCID 0000-0002-7383-9304; I. Bondarenko: ORCID 0000-0003-4717-3032ENG: The main trend in considering the interaction of the railway track and the rolling stock is the studying of the parameters of the rigidity of the interaction. For the study, a model of the track design, described using the basic concepts of the theory of elasticity and the propagation of elastic waves was developed. The study of the peculiarities of the interaction of the rolling stock and the track, taking into account the elastic properties of the base, allows to expand the possibilities of solving the problems of ensuring their functionally safe operation with a certain level of operational efficiency.endynamic processoscillationspower wavephysical and mechanical features of the interactionКККГКВВГInteraction Between Rolling Stock and Railway Track with of the Elastic Properties of the BaseArticle