Bondarenko, OlgaPshinko, Oleksandr M.Husenicova, Jarmila2018-07-052018-07-052018Bondarenko, O. Regional peculiarities of rural tourism development in Ukraine (using an example of Dnipropetrovsk region) / O. Bondarenko, O. Pshinko, J. Husenicova // Sustainable Housing and Human Settlement : monograph / [S. Nikolaienko, P. Kulikov, O. Pshinko, M. Savytskyi, A. Radkevych and others ; Under the General Ed. M. Savytskyi]. – Dnipro ; Bratislava, 2018. – Ch. 1. – P. 33–42. Pshinko: ORCID 0000-0002-1598-2970EN: Recreational development of rural areas enhances expanding the range of recreational services for citizens at a different qualitative and content level, and also contributes to revival and preservation of historical and cultural heritage of the region in general and the Ukrainian village in particular ensuring activation of social and economic development of the regional rural areas.encontent levelrevivalpreservationUkrainian villageуровень контентавозрождениесохранениеукраинская деревнярівень контентувідродженнязбереженняукраїнське селомонографіяКУПББМRegional Peculiarities of Rural Tourism Development in Ukraine (Using an Example of Dnipropetrovsk Region)Book chapter