Panda, AntonAnisimov, Volodymyr MykolajovychAnisimov, Volodymyr VolodymyrovychPandova, IvetaKlymenko, AntonErmakov, Peter2023-03-132023-03-132022Panda A., Anisimov V. M., Anisimov V. V., Pandova I., Klymenko A., Ermakov P. Cavitation Nozzles with Expansion Chamber. MM Science Journal. 2022. November. P. 6020–6025. DOI: 10.17973/MMSJ.2022_11_2022050.1803-1269 (print)1805-0476 (online) M. Anisimov: ORCID 0000-0001-5205-9301ENG: An expansion chamber for narrow part of cavitation nozzles is developed. Designs of cavitation nozzles with expansion chamber based on cylindrical nozzle and Venturi nozzle are proposed. The results of calculations of the fluid flow in the presented nozzles show the areas in nozzle, where cavitation is generated, their number, form and power. The plot of volume fraction of vapor phase shows the causes of an increase in the intensity of cavitation in new nozzles with expansion chamber. The main of them is that due to introduction of the expansion chamber, a little area of cavitation generation in the narrow part of cavitation nozzle turns to large one, that causes significant increase in cavitation intensity. The results of comparative experimental studies, which confirm the superiority of cavitation nozzles with the expansion chamber over the basic ones, show that cavitation nozzle with expansion chamber can provide 3 times higher intensity of cavitation, than basic cylindrical nozzle. Also, cavitation nozzle with expansion chamber on the basis of Venturi nozzle can provide 1.5 times higher cavitation intensity, than basic Venturi nozzle.encavitation nozzleexpansion chambercylindrical nozzleVenturi nozzlecomparative studiesКТМ (ІПБТ)Cavitation Nozzles with Expansion ChamberArticle