Шинкаренко, Виктор ИвановичИльман, Валерий МихайловичАндрющенко, Вадим Александрович2014-03-042014-03-042012Шинкаренко, В. И. Грамматические структуры с логическим выводом / В. И. Шинкаренко, В. А. Андрющенко, В. М. Ильман // Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий. – 2012. – Т. 6, № 2 (60). – С. 25–31.1729-3774 (Print)1729-4061 (Online)http://eadnurt.diit.edu.ua:82/jspui/handle/123456789/2104http://journals.uran.ua/eejet/article/view/5334В. Шинкаренко: ORCID 0000-0001-8738-7225; В. Ильман: ORCID 0000-0003-0983-8611; В. Андрющенко: ORCID 0000-0002-9103-8391RUS: Предложено формирование грамматической структуры и языковых конструкций через представление знаний, что расширяет возможности формальных грамматических структур в системах искусственного интеллекта.UKR: Запропоновано формування граматичної структури і мовних конструкцій через представлення знань, що розширює можливості формальних граматичних структур у системах штучного інтелекту.ENG: The formal grammatical approach and the approach based on logical statements are general-purpose simulation means of information systems. These approaches are used in designing and representation of programming languages, algorithms, state machines, systems of pattern recognition, designing of compilers, bases of data and knowledge, and other applications of artificial intelligence. The goal of this research is to construct a hybrid grammatical structure which allows to generalize and extend both grammatical structures with operations of substitution, matrix substitution, homomorphism and intelligent systems with the operations of substitution and logical syllogisms. The formal hybrid system is constructed in two stages. At the first stage, the formal structure of knowledge is determined as an element of the grammatical structure carrier. And at the second stage, the formal grammatical system is determined with the logical conclusion. The formal structure of knowledge is based on the production approach of knowledge representation as a subjective formal constructive system. The system is constructed on the dictionary of notions using the proposed semiotics of formation formulas of knowledge. The set of formulas of knowledge forms an infinite knowledge base. The construction of the formal grammatical system with the conclusion is implemented on the formal structure of knowledge using the technique for the identification of the formal language based on a combination of logical syllogisms and operations of substitutions. The formal grammatical system with logical conclusion can be used in the designing and synthesis of state machines and other objects of artificial intelligence.ru-RUграмматическая структураструктура представления знанийгибридная структурасиллогизмграмматический выводформальный языкграматична структураструктура представлення знаньгібридна структурасилогізмграматичне виведенняформальна моваgrammatical structureknowledge representationhybrid structuresyllogismgrammatical conclusionformal languageКІТГрамматические структуры с логическим выводомГраматичні структури з логічним виводомGrammatical Structure with the Logical ConclusionArticle