Estimation de L’influence des Particularites de Conception a la Rigidite du Mur-Diaphragme Dans le Batiment a L’ossature en Elements a Parois Minces en ACIER
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ДВНЗ "Придніпровська державна академія будівництва і архітектури", Дніпро
EN: Purposes of work are to receive the dependences of constructional features’ influence on shear walls stiffness (using FEM models) and to set the value of any configuration’s shear wall stiffness linking its parameters with correspondent parameters of the standard shear wall through the established dependences. Methodology. Standard sharewall’s stiffness was defined experimentally (here, by FEM modeling) and used as initial data for calculation. Results. There was developed the simplified design approach of estimating influence of main constructional features of shearwalls on their rigidity, enabling definition of requirements to the construction on the preliminary stage of forming space-and-planning decisions for frame building of LSTC. Received results enable to conclude that developed design approach is reliable enough for estimation of sharewall stiffness. Scientific novelty and practical value. Received dependences of main constructional factors’ influence and sharewalls stiffness design approach can be used for providing spatial rigidity by the following: setting requirements to construction of sharewalls; limitation of the distance between sharewalls (decreasing load space); limitation of the number of openings in sharewalls.
A. Zinkevych: ORCID 0000-0001-8609-1115
lightweight steel framing, braced walls and diaphragms stiffness, diaphragm’s sheeting, steel cold-formed thin gauge members, каркаси з легких сталевих конструкцій, жорсткість вертикальних та горизонтальних діафрагм, обшивка діафрагм, сталеві тонкостінні холодногнуті профілі, каркасы из легких стальных конструкций, жесткость вертикальных и горизонтальных диафрагм, обшивка диафрагм, стальные тонкостенные холодногнутые профили, КУПББМ
Zinkevych O., Zinkevych A., Savytsky M. Estimation de L’influence des Particularites de Conception a la Rigidite du Mur-Diaphragme Dans le Batiment a L’ossature en Elements a Parois Minces en ACIER. Строительство. Материаловедение. Машиностроение. Днипро, 2017. Вып. 100. C. 90–96.