Development Features and Principles of Blockchain Technologies and Real Options as the Main Components of the Digital Economy

ENG: The paper shows that the digital economy reveals a huge range of opportunities for various enterprises. It noted its strengths: costs reduction, in-creasing the level of transactions’ security and transparency, close focus of vari-ous sectors of the economy. In this regard, for a clear and definite understanding of the problems under consideration, the authors introduced the definition of the digital economy, digital technologies in the economy, and “end-to-end” digital technologies in the economy. The authors’ proposed approach allowed concluding that the digital econo-my term is distinguished by several subtleties associated with insufficient knowledge, understanding of technical implementation, and flexibility. The research aims at revealing the development features and principles of the main components of the digital economy: distributed ledger technology (blockchain) and option technologies. The paper shows that blockchain technology, as a decentralized data ledger, is the most discussed and relevant topic in the development of the digital econ-omy. Its strengths are analyzed, such as cost reduction, increased security and transaction transparency affecting various sectors of the economy. The conducted research exposes the essence of the main provisions of tac-tics and strategies when solving the problem of options pricing. At the same time, there is presented a new classification of options contracts allowing to de-termine the ways of their application and development. Whereas, the analysis of the problem of options contracts pricing demonstrated the relevance of new mathematical methods developed for their reliable and accurate evaluation. The paper shows that at present, interest in the concept and technique of re-al options application has significantly increased; as they draw attention as a po-tentially essential tool for evaluation and improving an enterprise development strategy.
T. Karpova: ORCID 0000-0002-2844-3087
digital economy, real options, blockchain, transaction transparency, costs, investments, КМТОМ (ІПБТ)
Vazov Radostin, Shvachych Gennady, Moroz Boris, Kabak Leonid, Kozenkova Vladyslava, Karpova Tetiana, Busygin Volodymyr. Development Features and Principles of Blockchain Technologies and Real Options as the Main Components of the Digital Economy. In: Shakya, S., Ntalianis, K., Kamel, K.A. (eds). Mobile Computing and Sustainable Informatics. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 126. Springer, Singapore. 2022. P. 57–74. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-2069-1_5.