Psychotherapy and Psychoeducation at Work with Psychotrauma in the Conditions of War

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Scientific Center of Innovative Research OÜ, Естонія
ENG: The article is devoted to an actual problem of our time - the work of psychologists and psychotherapists with psychotraumas during the war. The purpose of the article is to determine the features of psychotherapy and psychoeducation in working with psychotraumas in war conditions. A separate task of the research was the development of a methodical approach to the harmonization of the psychological state of a traumatized person and obtaining criteria for the formation of components of such a state during the war. Useful psychological techniques are proposed and necessary psychological help for psychological trauma during the war is detailed. A complex of scientific and educational cycles of psychoeducational video materials is presented, which change the war frame to a resource one, which is actively introduced into the educational process and implemented in applied professional activities in various fields of psychological science and practice, etc. The article presents a set of practical exercises, methods of neurolinguistic programming, individual practices of working with oneself, key mistakes in war conditions, ways of transitioning from a state of decline to a state of elevation. Ericksonian hypnosis is proposed in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder - a complex mental condition that arises as a result of trauma. The experience of hypnotherapy as a therapy with an artificial lie for the sake of a positive result is presented. Erikson's hypnotherapy is a psychotherapeutic approach that uses a hypnotic trance to help the patient use their own mental associations, memories, and life potential to achieve their therapeutic goals. Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness similar to sleep. This is the fixation of attention on comfortable associations, etc. Thus, the obtained data can be useful in determining the directions of work with psychotraumas during the war and in the future should be considered as targets of social and medical support in the creation of differentiated psychorehabilitation programs.
N. Zhyhaylo: ORCID 0000-0001-5686-2652, O. Sheviakov: ORCID 0000-0001-8348-1935, Ya. Slavska: ORCID 0000-0003-2498-3323
war, peace, victory, psychotherapy, psychoeducation, faith, willpower, method of neurolinguistic programming, psychotrauma, psychological help, educational process, КФОП
Zhyhaylo N., Sheviakov O., Slavska Y. Psychotherapy and Psychoeducation at Work with Psychotrauma in the Conditions of War. Public Administration and Law Review. 2023. Iss. 3 (15). P. 60 – 68. DOI: 10.36690/2674-5216-2023-3 1.