Філософський ландшафт феномену «тиша»

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Дніпровський національний університет ім. Олеся Гончара, Дніпро
UKR: Здійснено філософсько-культурологічний вимір феномену «тиша» з розглядом внутрішньої природи цього феномену. Піднімається проблема «тиші» як важливої соціальної цінності та морально-етичної норми в традиціях європейської культури мислення та творчості. Наголошується на небезпечному процесі десакралізації та «витіснення тиші» з життєвого простору сучасної людини. Розкриваються головні риси та атрибути феномену «тиша» через призму минулого та сьогодення.
ENG: The philosophical dimension of the phenomenon of “silence” is carried out in the context of cultural, historical-philosophical and axiological analysis. The special relevance of the research on this topic is emphasized in connection with the events of war and its invariable attributes - the “noise” of destruction and human suffering. The subject of the analysis is the philosophical impression of the phenomenon of “silence” in its existential comprehension. The methodological basis of the research is presented by the methods of analysis and synthesis. The use of these methods makes it possible to look at the phenomenon of “silence” both as a holistic and fragmented phenomenon. All kinds of characteristics of the phenomenon of “silence” are considered, which allows us to study its nature. The metaphysical method allowed to shift the focus of attention to the ontological component of the phenomenon - immanent bases. The paper has attempted to consider the phenomenon of “silence” through the moduses of “chronos” and “topos”. The great heuristic potential of philosophical discourse on “silence” is emphasized. It is pointed out that the category of “silence” in philosophy has a special semantic load, and therefore the category of “silence” itself is a category with its own history, mysticism, epic and drama. In the work there is an appeal to A.Korban’s creative project in his attempts to consider “silence” in European historical and literary retrospection. The view of “silence” through the prism of the Christian tradition of thought deserves special attention. Even at the dawn of Christianity as a religion, one can see in the first monastic traditions a respectful attitude to “silence” as one of the conditions for communication with the Creator. The philosophical and anthropological substantiation of the phenomenon of “silence” is based on the idea of its high social value in the modern civilizational space. Attention is drawn to the detrimental process of desacralization of “silence” in the life of modern man and society, its destructiveness for the European traditional culture. Philosophical consideration of the phenomenon of “silence” finally positions this phenomenon in the status of a particularly important cultural norm.
Т. Борисова: ORCID 0000-0002-0122-743Х
культура, особистість, простір, традиція, норма, цінність, culture, personality, space, peace, tradition, norm, value, КМЕіСГД
Борисова Т. В. Філософський ландшафт феномену «тиша». Філософія та політологія в контексті сучасної культури. 2024. Т. 16, Спецвип. С. 3–10. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15421/352401.