Напрями реалізації цілей сталого розвитку України на залізничному транспорті та їх адаптація до умов воєнного стану
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ТОВ `ДКС Центр`
UKR: У статті досліджено Цілі сталого розвитку України з акцентом на їх реалізацію у сфері залізничного транспорту. Запропоновано напрями втілення вказаних Цілей з урахуванням
вимог воєнного часу. Проаналізовано поточні заходи щодо психологічної підтримки залізничників, особливо ветеранів та колективів, в яких працюють ветерани війни. Окреслено
напрями проведення активної профорієнтаційної роботи серед учнів та студентів задля залучення молоді для роботи на залізниці. Особливу увагу приділено напрямам реалізації
Стратегії розумної мобільності Європейського Союзу та наголошено на необхідності переходу на "зелені" технології, на запровадження рухомого складу з нульовим викидом шкідливих речовин у зовнішнє середовище. Зосереджено увагу на активній діяльності менеджменту
АТ "Укрзалізниця" в контексті залучення іноземних коштів на оновлення та модернізацію
застарілою або зруйнованої інфраструктури та рухомого складу.
ENG: The article examines the Sustainable Development Goals of Ukraine with an emphasis on their implementation in the field of railway transport. Directions for the implementation of the specified Goals are proposed, taking into account the requirements of wartime. Current measures for psychological support of railway workers, especially veterans and collectives in which war veterans work, are analyzed. Directions for conducting active career guidance work among pupils and students in order to attract young people to work on the railways are outlined. Particular attention was paid to the directions of implementation of the Smart Mobility Strategy of the European Union and the need to switch to "green" technologies, to introduce rolling stock with zero emission of harmful substances into the environment, was emphasized. Attention is focused on the active activities of the management of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" in the context of attracting foreign funds for the renewal and modernization of outdated or destroyed infrastructure and rolling stock. In this study, taking into account the state of war, the directions for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals of Ukraine on railway transport are adapted, in particular: in the context of overcoming poverty, the need to increase wages for railway workers is emphasized; from the point of view of overcoming hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition and promoting the sustainable development of agriculture, it is outlined that Ukraine has an extensive railway network that contributes to sustainable transportation between all regions; in order to ensure a healthy lifestyle and promote well-being for everyone at any age, it is recommended to take care of the physical and mental health of railway workers — from the organization of psychological consultations to the work of sports sections; in order for employees to be ready in new conditions, with new technologies, a system of continuous training, retraining, and advanced training of railway workers must function; ensuring gender equality is possible by overcoming stereotypes regarding "female" and "male" professions and other directions of implementing the goals of sustainable development.
ENG: The article examines the Sustainable Development Goals of Ukraine with an emphasis on their implementation in the field of railway transport. Directions for the implementation of the specified Goals are proposed, taking into account the requirements of wartime. Current measures for psychological support of railway workers, especially veterans and collectives in which war veterans work, are analyzed. Directions for conducting active career guidance work among pupils and students in order to attract young people to work on the railways are outlined. Particular attention was paid to the directions of implementation of the Smart Mobility Strategy of the European Union and the need to switch to "green" technologies, to introduce rolling stock with zero emission of harmful substances into the environment, was emphasized. Attention is focused on the active activities of the management of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" in the context of attracting foreign funds for the renewal and modernization of outdated or destroyed infrastructure and rolling stock. In this study, taking into account the state of war, the directions for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals of Ukraine on railway transport are adapted, in particular: in the context of overcoming poverty, the need to increase wages for railway workers is emphasized; from the point of view of overcoming hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition and promoting the sustainable development of agriculture, it is outlined that Ukraine has an extensive railway network that contributes to sustainable transportation between all regions; in order to ensure a healthy lifestyle and promote well-being for everyone at any age, it is recommended to take care of the physical and mental health of railway workers — from the organization of psychological consultations to the work of sports sections; in order for employees to be ready in new conditions, with new technologies, a system of continuous training, retraining, and advanced training of railway workers must function; ensuring gender equality is possible by overcoming stereotypes regarding "female" and "male" professions and other directions of implementing the goals of sustainable development.
Л. Марценюк: ORCID 0000-0003-4121-8826;
А. Сидорчук: ORCID 0000-0002-7420-7405
сталий розвиток, залізничний транспорт, психологічна підтримка, антикризові заходи на залізничному транспорті, воєнний стан, sustainable development, railway transport, psychological support, anti-crisis measures in railway transport, martial law, КЕМ
Марценюк Л. В., Сидорчук А. О. Напрями реалізації цілей сталого розвитку України на залізничному транспорті та їх адаптація до умов воєнного стану. Інвестиції: практика та досвід. 2024. № 16. С. 88–97. DOI: 10.32702/2306-6814.2024.16.88.