IV Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development» <br> Тема 2019 «University Library in the Development of Digital Infrastructure of Science and Education»
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Відбулася 3-4 жовтня 2019 р.
The IV International scientific and practical conference «University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development», took plase 3-4 oct. 2019
Topic 2019 «University Library in the Development of Digital Infrastructure of Science and Education»
The IV International scientific and practical conference «University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development», took plase 3-4 oct. 2019
Topic 2019 «University Library in the Development of Digital Infrastructure of Science and Education»
Recent Submissions
Item Models to Evaluate of Scientists' Rating(Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, 2019) Vlashchenko, Liudmyla H.; Nikitenko, Oleksandr M.EN: Objective. This publication purpose is to review the models by which we can evaluate the scientists' ranking. Methods. Two models to estimate scientist rating was described. One model proposes to use data from international scientometric databases to evaluate the scientists rating. Three approaches using to estimate rating was shown. Formula calculations have been developed for two of these approaches. The example of scientist rating calculation according to data from the international scientometric database Scopus is given. Another model proposes to use the TRUST National Higher Education Quality Assurance Portal to estimate the higher school's rating. Results. This allows you to store information about publications and other achievements of the scientist, including full texts, to estimate scientists rating using more factors and to design necessary output forms for later use. Conclusions. The first model can be used to evaluate the scientists rating in a higher education institution using the Web of Science and Scopus science databases at the current time. The second model allows to store information about publications and other achievements of the scientist, including full texts.Item Is our Collection Enough or Underutilized? A Citation Analysis of Master’s theses in the Field of Education(Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, 2019) Yap, Joseph Marmol; Kozhayeva, A.EN: Objective. The quality of library collection depends on how the librarians select materials for purchasing based on existing collection development policy. In the absence of approved policy, working guidelines take effect so there would be a selection guidelines criteria. The use of available selection tools, online book reviews, faculty recommendations, and standard lists will help the collection building. This paper aims to provide an overview of the type of materials Kazakh students utilize to complete their master’s thesis. Specifically, it will have the following objectives: 1) to categorize the types of sources graduate students use in their thesis; 2) to compare the actual count of e-journal titles available in our collection versus the number of e-journal titles used in the reference list; 3) to identify the common journal titles used by the students and its overall journal ranking credibility based on prestige; 4) To further develop the e-resources collection based on the citation analysis. Methods. In 2019, 20 e-theses were uploaded in the repository coming from one school (may also be called college or faculty). It was decided to select from one school only to determine the relevance of the collection coming from one discipline. A sample of 10 theses (50%) was analyzed in this study. Citation analysis was used to measure which materials are currently available in the library. It will also give an impression of whether the material is being used or not. Collection of data was done in an organized manner. A table was created to list the number of referenced items found per thesis. The researchers identified the number of print books, e-journals, conference proceedings, theses and other types of materials. To determine the specific journal titles, they were carefully extracted. Duplicate titles were combined and were counted as one unique entry. Using the SJR online, the researchers identified the quartiles of each title and determined the impact of the journals based on the ranking. Journal titles were searched and availability was verified using the online journal finder A-Z journal title list provided by the EBSCOHost. Non-quartile journal titles were also verified using Scopus. Results. An average of 59 references was listed by a graduate student in his/her master’s thesis. Each student may have used 17.6 print books to cite in their thesis and 32.4 journal articles in which some of them may have referenced a suspected predatory journal. There are 199 unique journal titles cited in 10 master’s theses. 19.6% of which is unavailable in the subscription but needs to be verified if they are indexed in leading citation databases. At least 50% of the theses had more journal titles categorized as Q1 journals. Another 50% the theses included more Q2 journals than Q1. One thesis cited more journal publications with no quartile but was able to reference 68% of journal titles coming from Q1-Q4 journals. In terms of journal availability, the library holds 80% of the journal titles cited in the reference list that are available whether by subscription or Open Access. Conclusions. It is apparent that master’s students from the graduate school of education will likely cite more journal articles than books. At least 50% of the students get their references from Q1-ranked journals based from the SJR ranking. The library has a promising and huge collection of e-journal titles as it has almost 80% of the titles available in the library subscription. The sample revealed that the library is capable of providing a good quality of journal collection that can be used by the students and faculty members as well. We can proudly say that our collection is above the average. We need to still dig deeper how much of our collection is used extensively by the other members of the academic community.Item Information Analytics in the Organizational Structure of Libraries of Top-Rated Universities in Ukraine(Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, 2019) Kobelev, Oleksii M.EN: Objective. To study of the organizational information and analytical structures of libraries of top-rated universities in Ukraine, in particular, of 4 domestic universities that entered the World University Rankings 2019. Methods. The methodological basis of the study is the basic provisions of the general theory of social communications. Comparative analysis, sociocommunicative, information, adaptive and other approaches are used. Results. The form of organization of information and analytical activities in the library depends on its place in the library system and the existing organizational structure therein. There are two options for its organization. The first option involves the distribution of tasks between the existing library departments. The second one is the creation of an independent analytical unit in the organizational structure of the library. In the libraries of the universities under study, information and analytical functions are performed by other departments, primarily by the information and reference (bibliographic) units, information service as well as scientific and methodological (research) departments. Conclusions. Thus, information and analytical activity, even for scientific libraries of leading Ukrainian universities, remains primarily a tool for improving internal library processes, and not a separate product (service) that is purposefully produced and offered to readers. Meanwhile, the intensification of the use of information and analytical technologies in libraries, the creation of specialized units therein is one of the effective tools for optimizing library work.Item Networking Information Technologies as a Method Innovative Changes in Academic Libraries(Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, 2019) Hovorukha, Volodymyr B.; Semenova, Larysa A.; Semenova, Liudmyla A.EN: Objective. The article examined at current global trends to require significant changes of the educational and library infrastructure. The analysis of these tendencies and of the current state of development of the educational and library sphere gave an opportunity to understand to the implementation of network technologies can affect to the activities of academic institutions. Methods. At the present stage, the popularity of distance technologies is increasing because they are best able to meet the new needs of modern users of library networks. The authors identified the factors of popularity and scope of networking technologies and investigated their influence on various aspects of the practical activity of university libraries. Results. Practical experience of the Scientific and Technical Library of DNURN named after academician V. Lazaryan demonstrates to the use of the modern networking technologies, which changed, improved and expanded the scope of services of the library institution. Conclusions. The research allows conclude to mastering library specialists of new knowledge and working skills to mobile information technologies. The introduction these technologies to practical activity promotes further development of the academic library and helps to improve forms of service for remote users to digital content.Item Бібліотечне кураторство як складова науково-практичних зв'язків між бібліотекою та вченим: сучасний стан(Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, 2019) Штан, Геннадій ВалерійовичUK: Мета. Бібліотечне кураторство над факультетами є новим напрямом роботи, над реалізацією якого працюють університетські бібліотеки різних країн. Робота спрямована на дослідження світового та вітчизняного досвіду університетських бібліотек в напрямі бібліотечного кураторства як складової науково-практичних зв'язків між бібліотекою та вченим. Методика. Дослідження проводилось на основі аналізу світового літературного потоку з бібліотечно-інформаційної справи. Український досвід проаналізовано на прикладі реалізації програми «Бібліотечне кураторство» Центральної наукової бібліотеки Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна (ЦНБ ХНУ) у рамках виконання Стратегії розвитку Університету та Бібліотеки. Результати. Проаналізовано найбільш актуальні питання, що хвилюють світову бібліотечну спільноту: мета і варіанти взаємодії бібліотекаря та викладача, протиріччя у взаєминах бібліотекарів та науковців, бібліотекар і навчання з інформаційної грамотності. Основними елементами програми «Бібліотечне кураторство» ЦНБ ХНУ є розширене інформування представників факультетів щодо можливостей ЦНБ та різні форми індивідуального та групового консультування читачів, поглиблення міжорганізаційної взаємодії. Висновки. Процес взаємодії бібліотекарів із підрозділами закладів вищої освіти на початку XXI століття, в умовах всебічного й дуже швидкого розвитку інформаційного суспільства, є назрілим та необхідним. За умов раціональної та грамотної реалізації основних його умов, що вже є відпрацьованими на основі іноземного досвіду, він має великий потенціал.Item The Value of Library Resources and Services Through the Lens of Discovery Tools(Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, 2019) Zvonareva, DaryaEN: Objective. The objective of the paper is to show the discovery service from the perspective of the library and user values as a means of access to information. Methods. The literature review on the subject of value approach to the library functioning is provided. In the paper were used data from the user experience study, statistical reports and anecdotal experience. The results show the issues of customization of discovery services functionalities and resources management required. The users’ evaluation of the discovery service as a tool for finding and retrieval of information is also given. Conclusions. Discovery services have special functions and are powerful tools for identifying the required information, which is placed in directories and databases, online libraries, and external full-text databases. The study found that finding relevant information was of paramount importance to users who highly appreciated the usefulness of this service for their research.Item Creation and Development of Comfortable Information Environment of Science at the University: Library Contribution(Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, 2019) Yurik, Inna V.; Lazarev, Vladimir S.EN: The objective of the study was identification of essential characteristics of a comfortable information environment of science and determining the role of the University library in its creation and development. Methods. The information base of the research consists of the publications of researchers and specialists on the problems under study, as well as of the results obtained during the research works of the authors of the article; both were interpreted by the authors and set out in the context of the research objective. Results. The findings are the presented analysis of definitions of the notions of "information environment", "information environment of science", "comfort of information environment". Essential characteristics of comfortable information environment of science are featured. The practical value of the research is the applicability of the results to the work of other University libraries. Conclusions. It is stated that the Belarusian National Technical University Scientific library makes a significant contribution to the creation and development of a comfortable information environment of science of the University by means of the introduction into practice of such activities as: information support of applied research and experimental development carried out in a number of priority areas of scientific and technical activities in the Republic of Belarus, the creation and maintenance of open access resources, the formation of the needs of scientists and researchers in primary scientific data, advisory work on researchers registration in various systems of identification of author profiles, bibliometric research.Item Bukovina: Authors, Journals, Research Issues (Scientometric Analysis on WOS Basis)(Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, 2019) Shyliuk, Oleh I.EN: Objective. The goal of research was to study publications containing researches and studies related to the topic of Bukovina using the bibliometric analysis. Methods. Materials on the regional topic published within the period 1970 – 2018 were obtained from the Web of Science database (as of May 15, 2019). The obtained records were analyzed for citation characteristic, including the distribution of publications over languages, countries, journals and authors. The selection by keywords: (bukovina) OR (bucovina) OR (bukowina) OR (bukovyna) identified 304 materials published in different publications. For the period from 2008 until 2019 there has been observed the significant increase of materials published on this issue. Results. The analysis of the most citable publications allows to distinguish three clusters of research topics: geology, environment and natural resources of the region; ethnic studies; the Holocaust and acts of force during the World War II. Conclusions. This study provides the systematic review of productivity and clearness of the Bukovina’s studies and can be used for organization and identification of priorities for further regional studies.Item Profile of the Scientific Organization in Scopus and Web of Science Databases. The Role of University Libraries in the Presentation of the Publication Activity of Scientific Organization(Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, 2019) Savelieva, Olena A.; Savina, Olha P.; Stepanenko, Viktoriia M.; Voitovych, Olha V.EN: Purpose. The article is aimed to prove the possibility of increasing the significance of university libraries through the services for representing the publication activity of a scientific organization. Methodology. Consideration of the possibilities of the university library to support the scientific and publishing activities of the university, namely its publication activity, was carried out on the experience of the Scientific and Technical Library of Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan (Library of DNURT). Results. The features and stages of creating / correction of the organization profile in Scopus and Web of Science databases are presented. The role of the library in scientometric studies evaluating the publication activity of university is indicated. Conclusions. The demand for university library and strengthening of its role have significantly increased as a result of the introduction of services to support the publication activity of employees and organization.Item Promoting Scientific Researches of Ihe Scientists: Comprehensive Solutions(Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, 2019) Poberezhna, Oksana O.EN: Objective. One of the main tasks of the University Library today is to create a new additional effective virtual environment for research activities - its own open access electronic information resources. The work is aimed at considering virtual communication forms of representing scientific achievements of researchers of the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (NTU “KhPI”) in various fields of science, production and industry. Methods. Using the example of specific bio bibliographic scientific projects (schools), which are being developed in KhPI Scientific and Technical Library, a comprehensive approach to their realization is considered. Results. Due to a comprehensive approach, the concept of information integration was first implemented – the electronic resources of the Library site, the University repository and electronic and paper versions of the journal were combined. Conclusions. Only through joint efforts of scientists and librarians can we promote and disseminate the results of university research in the modern scientific and educational space and raise the ranking and image of our university among higher education institutions of Ukraine and the world.Item Auxiliary Services for Science in Modern Library: New Information Services for the Development of Science Communication(Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, 2019) Lebeduk, Olena O.; Avramenko, Olga Y.EN: Objective. The paper explains the need for providing auxiliary services for science in university library within modern scientific communication and covers main facets of library work in Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University (KSPU), emphasizing instructional services for science metrics. Methods. Research was conducted using synthesis, structural and functional analysis, systematic approach, survey, interview, and conversation. Results. Successful reimagining of library’s functions is the key to university’s success within modern science communication. Expanding basic library competencies makes university library a reliable foundation for research activities in higher education institution. Conclusions. The experience of auxiliary services for scientists in university library today possesses new meanings, leading to expansion of the range of information services provided by university librarians. University’s science metrics is one of the determining indicators of authority of its researches; and today it is the library that serves as the foundation for implementing and utilizing science metrics data in university.Item On the Possibilities of Evaluating Properties of Scientific Documents on the Basis of their Citations Count (or Again: what Property is Reflected by Citations Count Par Excellence, after all?). Part 2: Quality?(Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, 2019) Lazarev, Vladimir S.EN: The objective is consideration of the recent works on the problem of the phenomenon reflected by citations count of scientific documents with a slant to the papers analyzing the citations count possibilities to reflect quality of cited research. The method: authoritative definitions of quality were under analysis and interpretation of corresponding research publications in the context of the results the mentioned analysis was undertaken. The results: citations count does not reflect quality of cited research as there are not causal relations between quality and citedness. The conclusions: since in practice the results of the citations count for documents value assessment and of peer assessment of their quality may mostly coincide, this makes it possible still to use citations count as a proxy indicator of quality. As for the “negative” citations, they seem to refer to cited items of high value, but of low quality.Item The Role of Libraries as Publishers in the Open Education Landscape: Reflecting Modern World Practice of Open Textbooks(Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, 2019) Kolesnykova, Tetiana O.ENG: Objective. The study aims to analyse the experience of university libraries in different countries in working with the Open Textbook (OT) and to consider the prospects of creating a similar pilot project in Ukraine. Methods. The analysis covered the world publications (journals, books, conference proceedings, posts on social networks) in the field of Library and Information Science, devoted to the role of libraries in OT support, that have appeared since 2014. The author studied the aspects revealing that publication, namely OT, support services are areas with great potential for the future development of academic / university libraries. Results. Numerous evidence is presented that the topic of library as a publisher in OT support is most developed in the universities and colleges in economically developed countries, especially in the USA, Canada, Australia, and Great Britain. Library strategies for OT projects have been identified. The author clarified the nature of the initiatives and partnerships of libraries in supporting OT, as well as the basic services and roles of libraries in these projects. Conclusions. Today, the global practice of Scholarly Communication has enough evidence that the functions of the Library, lost in the course of evolution, as a Knowledge Publisher have returned under its “roof” and supplemented the existing function of Knowledge Managers. Digital Library Publishing (DLP) services in OT support help to change the learning environment and life of students (including persons with disabilities), pedagogical practices of teachers by means of free textbooks with an open license, as well as to receive reputation benefits for the university, improving the image of the latter. The possibility of eliminating systemic inequalities in access to academic resources increases the significance and changes the role of libraries in open education. The successes of Ukrainian librarians in supporting digital scholarly communication initiatives and the successful implementation of Open Access support projects (repositories, e-journals, e-conferences) give confidence that they can act as initiators and key partners in creating affordable textbooks.Item On the Possibilities of Evaluating Properties of Scientific Documents on the Basis of their Citations Count (or Again: what Property is Reflected by Citations Count Par Excellence, after all?). Part 1: Value(Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, 2019) Lazarev, Vladimir S.EN: The objective is consideration of the most recent works on the problem of the phenomenon reflected by citations count of scientific documents. The method is interpretation of recent research publications made by bibliometricans. The results are presenting evidence that the property of scientific documents reflected par excellence by their citation is their value. It is also concluded that the attempts of identification of the “specific contribution” of cited documents based on the conditional and disputable classification schemes of citations that have been undertaken in the years 2006-2018 are not fruitful.Item Bibliometric Analysis of the Development of the Direction "Dredging" in World Practice(Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, 2019) Kostyrko, Tamara M.; Korolyova, Tetiana D.EN: Objective. The study is aimed at obtaining new up-to-date knowledge and analysis of already existing one about the development of the "Dredging" direction in the world scientific space using the products and services of the Scopus scientometric database. Therefore, the chronological framework of the scientific articles under study is limited only by their availability in the Scopus database. Methods. In order to obtain relevant empirical data, the authors of the study reviewed the world scientific literature on the topic "Dredging" using the resources of the international reference and scientometric database of peer-reviewed literature Scopus. The algorithm of "step by step" actions in the Scopus database is considered: 1. Forming the circle of the most cited publications; 2. Defining the most relevant topics; 3. Identifying the most productive authors; 4. Determining the level of representation in the Scopus database of publications of Ukrainian scientists by the research topic. Results. During the study the authors have proved: 1. The main topics of the “Dredging” direction are: the impact of dredging on the ecology of the aquatic environment and marine life; models and algorithms for assessing and minimizing the risks associated with dredging; application of bottom sediments after dredging and their disposal in open waters; dredging fleet maintenance; 2. Scientists of our country are very slowly joining the world processes of exchange of scientific information in the "Dredging" direction; 3. The most intellectually productive authors of scientific articles in this field are scientists from the USA, Spain, Great Britain and Australia. Conclusions. For the first time in Ukraine, the authors conducted a bibliometric study in the field of water transport (subject area "Dredging") on the basis of products and services of the Scopus scientometric database. The results obtained can be used for further scientific research on this and related topics, as well as applied in the dredging discipline teaching process.Item Use of Choice Reviews to Build the Geosciences Collection(Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, 2019) Yap, Joseph Marmol; Kozhayeva, A.EN: Objective. The Nazarbayev University School of Mining and Geosciences was established in 2016 to study and conduct research on the vast mineral reserves of the country. The school now has three bachelor’s programs, two master’s programs and the recently launched PhD program. The purpose of the study is to determine how many subjects from Choice Reviews are already part of the collection, and how many the library needs to buy to create a good geological collection. Methods. Introducing new programs, it is important to identify the academic and additional resources that will need to be offered during training. In 2018, the library acquired Choice Reviews Online to help the subject librarians create good discipline-oriented collection. Results. According to the survey, only 12.5% of the list is part of an existing print collection, and 87.5% should be added as a potential collection of mining and geology sciences. The analysis of e-book collection is as follows: 55% of the list is already part of this collection, and 45% of the library is required to be purchased when developing an e-book collection. Conclusions. The university has only just begun to develop the field of mining and geology, so there is still time to expand the library's collection of these disciplines. Subject librarians are interested in adding important titles from standardized Choice Reviews tools; as well, they should review and identify various resources that are relevant to the promotion of research to acquire them.Item Efficiency of Managing the Resource Potential of University Library(Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, 2019) Davydova, Iryna О.EN: Objective. The paper investigates the resource potential of higher education institution libraries as a tool for effective management of their activity. Methods. The author pays attention to the difference between the concepts of "resource pool" and "resource potential", which is in involving the latter in the process of library information production and service. Results. The composition of the university library's resource potential is determined. It is stated that the effective management of the resource potential requires the managers to fully evaluate the factors of the internal and external environment of the library functioning. Characterization of individual components of the university library resource potential is given, and the need for their integrated use is emphasized. Much attention is paid to library staff as a leading resource of the management system, the formation of their cognitive potential. Conclusions. It is stated that the efficiency of the activity of the modern library of the higher education institution is largely determined by the available resource potential aimed at the achievement of scientifically and educationally significant goals and objectives of strategic character. The main results of the research can be used in the process of managing the activities of the university library.Item Göttingen State and University Library (Germany) as a Model for Successful Symbiosis of Municipal and University Library(Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, 2019) Stepaniuk, Olena L.; Kyrpyta, Tamara V.EN: Objective.The article informs about Göttingen State and University Library (Germany) as about a place, where specific features of public and scientific library are taken into account. Methods. The article is based on personal impressions of a visit to the library of one of the authors. Results. The library keeps its centuries-old traditions and is modern space for individual and group work. Conclusions. The article was an attempt to describe the library's digital and paper resources as an accumulation of experience that could be embodied in the university libraries of Ukraine.Item University Library in the Development of Digital Infrastructure of Science and Education(Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, 2019) Kolesnykova, Tetiana O.ENG: Presented a new 4 (2019) issue of conference proceedings “University Library at a New Stage of Social Communications Development”.Item Отражение темы «bibliometrics» в Scopus и Web of Science(Дніпровський національний університет залізничного транспорту імені академіка В. Лазаряна, 2019) Матвеева, Елена ВладимировнаRU: Сравниваются результаты поиска по запросу «bibliometrics» в Scopus и Web of Science. Определены журналы, напечатавшие наибольшее количество статей по данной теме, а также журналы, разместившие более всего статей в открытом доступе.